1. Introduction
Egnatia Aviation is committed to delivering high quality services and welcomes customer feedback on its services, products, performance and staff as a means of monitoring and improving service delivery to customers, as well as enhancing organisational effectiveness and efficiency.
The Company is also committed to ensuring that all this feedback is managed in a responsive, efficient, consistent, and fair manner. Customers who share their feedback will be treated with respect and will receive a professional level of service throughout the feedback management process.
1.1. Purpose
This policy aims to:
- provide an efficient, consistent, fair and structured system for handling generic feedback and complaints.
- enable our customers to easily provide their feedback
- improve the efficiency of communication with our customers
- monitor the effectiveness of the feedback management system
- regularly review our customers feedback and remedy accordingly
1.2. Scope
This policy does not replace pre-existing processes for dealing with feedback related to non-conformances, for example, the Non-Conformance Report Policy and applies to generic feedback about any of the services provided by the Company.
1.3. Definitions
Reporter a person providing his feedback about any aspect of our services based on his experience.
Generic Feedback (concerns, suggestions & compliments) the type of feedback provided by the reporter about any aspect of our services, which may include concerns, ideas for improvement, or positive comments and compliments about the way in which we have dealt with something.
A complaint any expression of dissatisfaction which requires a response and may be raised by anyone who has been affected by the actions or inactions of the Company.
An informal complaint any oral expression of dissatisfaction about any aspect of our service, whether it is something we have failed to do or not done to their satisfaction which can be resolved quickly.
A formal complaint when a customer remains dissatisfied at attempts to resolve an expression of dissatisfaction about our services and proceeds with reporting his complaint.
2. Overview of the Corporate Feedback Management System
The Corporate Feedback Management System is comprised of the Corporate Feedback Management Policy and Process, the Key Personnel involved in managing and responding to reported feedback and the technology, the online feedback management system, used to receive, record, respond to and report on feedback.
Our priority is to resolve concerns and complaints as soon as they come to our attention. We therefore expect customers to first approach the competent person so that the matter can be addressed.
Where attempts for resolution with the competent person or team have been unsuccessful, then the online Corporate Feedback Management System is strongly recommended to submit any generic feedback or complaint. The form to be used is the electronic Corporate Feedback Management Form, which can be found at:
Corporate Feedback Management Form (office.com)
2.1. Key Personnel
Any feedback reported will be handled by senior officers from the Board of Directors and Top Management.
2.2. Corporate Feedback Management Process
There are four stages in the process required to submit, handle and classify as closed case any type of feedback.
Stage 1- Submitting your feedback
Submit your feedback by using the relevant electronic form within six (6) months of the incident or circumstances that led to it. Provide as many as possible details.
It is far easier to find out what happened and to put things right if feedback is received at the time. As time passes, it becomes more difficult to investigate events fairly and fully, people’s memories fade, personnel who were closely involved may have left the Company and records may no longer be available.
You can submit your feedback, named or anonymous, however it is to be mentioned that anonymous reports do not facilitate either the investigation or the response process.
Stage 2- Receiving and Acknowledging your feedback
We will acknowledge the receipt of your feedback within two (2) working days. From this point the response timeframe will commence.
Stage 3 -Investigation Process and Timescales
At this point, we will seek to clarify the feedback (if appropriate), together with the expectations and remedy sought from the reporter.
The response will be provided as soon as possible and within (ten) 10 working days of the acknowledgement. If the response will not be completed within this timeframe, we will contact the reporter to let him know and advise when we are able to respond by.
For complex cases, the 10-day timeframe mentioned may be extended for up to a further 10 working days. Where further information is required from the reporter we will put on hold the response timeframe until such information has been received. In the absence of such information, after a reasonable period of time has elapsed, the case will be considered as closed. This will only be done after prior notification to the reporter.
Stage 4 – Closing a case
The response will clearly state what decision has been reached regarding the feedback reported. Where the feedback is a complaint and it has been upheld or partially upheld, the response will contain:
- an apology for service failure, discrepancy or unpleasant situation
- an explanation of what happened and why things went wrong
- details of the corrective action(s) to be taken to solve the issue and prevent recurrence
- the timescale within which the action(s) will be taken
- the name of the officer responsible for ensuring that action is taken and his contact details
Where the complaint is not upheld the response will provide:
- background information relevant to the complaint
- an explanation of the decision
The closing case-response of Stage 4 represents the Company’s final resolution.
2.3. Confidentiality and non-punitive reporting policy
Confidentiality is preserved and any identifying information about the reporter is known only to the Key Personnel involved. The Corporate Feedback Management System is protected by the non-punitive reporting policy which encourages open reporting and protects the reporter(s).